You can get FREE FRANK this month with any order 200pv or more.
Frankincense is one of my very favourite oils. I LOVE how versatile it is and how it has such a wide range of uses, PLUS the story behind the sourcing of doTERRA’s frankincense is incredible! Frankincense has been referenced as being as valuable as gold throughout history due to its extensive medical benefits.
1. Add a drop to your face moisturiser. It has beautifying properties!
2. Rub on your spine and bottoms of your feet to support overall health.
3. Massage into muscles after a long day.
3. Create a skin serum using frankincense, copaiba and blue tansy.
4. Use to flavour food.
5. Diffuse for mental clarity and to feel calm.
6. Put a few drops into your hands, cup them over your face and inhale.
7. Inhale straight from the bottle.
8. Place a drop on your thumb and press to the roof of your mouth to help with head tension.
9. Make DIY baby wipes using frankincense, tea tree and lavender.
10. Add a few drops to epsom salts and put into the bath.
11. Rub onto scrapes, scratches and grazes to help the healing process.
12. Apply to skin spots to reduce the appearance.
13. Take as a part of LLV to help healthy cell function.
14. Do a mouth wash with a drop of frank to help your mouth look clean and feel healthy.
15. Apply to cuticles for hand and nail growth and health.
16. Rub into bottoms of feet to help promote relaxation.
17. Combine with 15 drops each of grapefruit and douglas fir for a refreshing room spray.
18. Apply to stomach for digestive ease.
19. Create a stretch mark oil and apply daily.
20. Combine with water for a natural cleaning spray.
Have you got your free frank yet? Remember ANY 200pv order in DECEMBER qualifies including standard orders, LRP orders and enrolment orders.