Subsequent pregnancies are different right? You very quickly learn that you can’t just mope around and rest when you want to. With a busy toddler, it’s impossible to just sit on the couch sometimes right? In this blog post I’ve put together a few of very favourite pregnancy essentials.

Kmart Boyfriend Jacket
This one is especially good if you’re pregnant in winter! I love that it’s long enough to cover my butt so good for tights, and roomy enough that you can still spin your arms around. Unfortunately I can’t find it online anymore but boyfriend jackets are everywhere atm!

Deep/Ice Blue Rub
This is a natural Deep Heat alternative and its the best! I use a tiny pea size amount and rub it into sore muscles and joints. Get it here.

Smiley Belt
Speaking of back pain, if you struggle with that or ligament pain, I’d highly recommend a Smiley Belt. It can be worn either way and helps to support and hold everything together. I’ve also been seeing the chiropractor for sciatica and have had huge improvements!

Vanchi Backpack
Ok this doesn’t have to be a Vanchi bag but a backpack when pregnant and for number 2 is definitely an essential! It makes such a difference being able to toddler chase and do up carseats and fold prams and all the things hands free! I have the Manhattan bag and LOVE it.

Lululemon Align Tights
This is probably my number one pick! These tights are butttery soft, super stretchy and totally wearable when pregnant! I wear my normal size. I wear my Aligns basically everyday. I love how they’re matte so you can wear them with a denim jacket and boots but also as activewear! Ultimate pregnancy comfort.

Diffuser + Sleep Oils
If you don’t have a diffuser already, you FOR SURE need one. Great for making your house smell good… or just less bad and the best for sleep. I love using lavender in the diffuser each night to help with a better night’s sleep.

Pregnancy Pillow
Look, I know. They’re huge and big and ridiculous and take up the whole bed but if you’ve gotta be pregnant for 9 months, hubby can handle a little less bed space. I have a U shaped one that I put in the bed upside down. It helps so much with pain and with sleeping on your side.

Aqua Mama
I loved these Aqua Mama sachets! I had a whoooole lot during my first pregnancy. I find actual vitamins can be hard to take and keep down when you’re in the thick of morning sickness so these are fab! The SOL glass drink bottles are my favourite too.
We’re on the final straight now! 3/4 down and looking forward to getting this baby out but also enjoying the last of my time with just one child.
Brittney x