A few months ago I hosted a DIY beauty night at church. I set up a whole lot of different stations, one of them was for making a sugar scrub! I made it up and tested it before the night, but kind of forgot about it. Over the last few weeks I put my jar of it into the shower and OHMYGOSH.
I’m usually a major skeptic when it comes to beauty products. Like, unless you’re going to make me look like Kendall Jenner, I’m not listening, right? Well, this stuff does wonders. Like serious wonders. My winter bod wasn’t looking too flash, especially around my thighs. Aunty Cellulite came to visit and it looked like she was here to stay. However, a few tries with this beauty scrub and it all disappeared! Say what?! A sugar scrub helps to remove dead skin and improve circulation, and helps in moisturizing and brightening the skin.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 2/3 cup brown sugar
- 2/3 cup white sugar
- 1 tablespoon coffee
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 10-20 drops essential oils
Favourite essential oils for sugar scrubs:
- Peppermint
- Wild Orange
- Grapefruit (great for cellulite)
- Smart and Sassy (great for cellulite)
- Tangerine
- Vanilla
- Lavender
- Citrus Bliss
A coffee scrub is super good for cellulite as the exfoliation and massage work together to help stimulate blood flow and tighten the skin.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix really well. Put in a jar and whammo! You’re finished.
I put my jar in the shower and grab a handful anytime I’m in there. Rub it all over you body, avoiding sensitive areas and then wash off.
I love, love, LOVE this stuff right now. My skin feels silky smooth and looks a million bucks. Definitely try it out or make some for an easy DIY gift. Enjoy!