Hello! Happy Weekend! You may have noticed that I haven’t done a 5 Things I Love post recently. Sorry about that. It’s summer here in NZ which means life is casual and I’ve been making the most of the nice weather rather than being glued to my laptop. We don’t get a huge amount of sunshine and hot days so when we do, you’ll find me outside for sure. The plus side of this for you means that I will have some garden progress to share very soon. I didn’t think I would love gardening so much but I’m finding it so relaxing and super satisfying. I LOVE just walking around my small garden and admiring the things I’ve grown. We have even been eating our own home grown vegetables! Have a peek over on my Instagram here. Anyway, on to today’s post. Today I am sharing 5 of my favourite blogs to read right now. Be sure to click through and check them out!
One. The Young Hopeful.
The Young Hopeful shares tips on thriving in college, keeping healthy, acing college assignments and everything else a 20 something needs to know. I love how practical her blog is and think that it’s super beneficial. If you’re a uni student, this is something you need to look at.
I wrote a guest post for The Young Hopeful a few weeks ago about marrying young. Click the image above to see it!
Two. Virgin Diaries.
Not only is Sabrina Peters a total babe, she is a crazy talented writer. I met her when we honeymooned on the Gold Coast in Australia and she’s as awesome in real life as she is on the internet. She has an amazing heart for young people and seeing them grow into what God has called them to be. Sabrina shares her message with honesty and love. My favourite post of hers at the moment is this one about things we can learn from Justin Bieber. Be sure to check her out on Instagram too (she has cute kids ok?).
Three. City Girl Searching.
I recently found Roxy’s blog City Girl Searching via Pinterest and ended up with about 20 tabs open because I wanted to read her whole blog. All at once. She shares snippets of her life in South Korea as well as DIYs, recipes and beauty tips. She also sells some pretty cute stationery!
Four. Studio DIY.
Kelly from Studio DIY is insanely cool. She makes oversized everything, piñatas, fun costumes and lots more crazy things. Her photos are super bright, colourful and FUN and her fashion is fab. I wish I had the courage to wear such cool stuff! Be sure to find her on Instagram too.
Five. At Home with Natalie.
Ok, so I know there’s a lot of people on my list of bloggers I would love to meet in real life, but Natalie is rated pretty high! I often talk about her to my friends and they’re like “Yeah you spam my Facebook feed by liking her stuff all the time.” When hubby sees a photo of her he’s like “Is that At Home with Natalie again?” Oops. #sorrynotsorry. I discovered her blog one day from a iPhone camera tutorial and spent about two hours reading her blog posts. She is such a lovely lady with a beautiful heart. Her Instagram is perfectly gorgeous and she always looks amazing. Even straight after giving birth. Things like that really make you question life right? ;) Some of my favourite blog posts from her include her amazing parties, her posts on domestic violence (be prepared to shed a tear), and her cute baby posts. Also, check out her new e-course for blogging Mamas!
I could have just named this blog post ‘5 Beautiful Babes’ or something along those lines right? I hope you have a look at these blogs love them as much as I do. As always, happy weekend!
Thank you so much for including me in this amazing round up! You are so sweet! I love discovering new girls to follow although I already do follow some of these. Have a great weekend!
I only just found this comment as it was somehow marked as spam. Whaaaaat?! Haha. Thanks for stopping by! Oh, I watched your periscope with the whisper challenge the other day and loved it. I’m so going to do the same with my hubby when he gets brave enough for the camera! :)
Wow thank you so much for the love!
Not a problem! :)