I’m now a mama to an 18 month old so feel like I’m starting to get to know the ins and outs of the strollers I own throughout the different stages. When first looking into prams when pregnant I had a few things on my list:
- compact to fold
- easy to manoeuvre in shops and small spaces
- fits a capsule
- looks good (ok, low down the list, but still kinda important)
- good quality – built to last
I ended up choosing the Mutsy i2 and we have absolutely loved it! It’s been everywhere from the gravel roads of Western Southland, to Los Angeles Santa Monica Pier. It’s been perfect! This year we also decided to get the Musty Nexo which is more compact as we had some travel planned. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 we were never able to travel but we have still be getting a bit of use out of the Nexo too.
Both of our Mutsy strollers were purchased from Global Baby. I love that shop and they’ve provided amazing customer service. We’ve also purchased our car seats from there too.
Here’s our must have shopping list from Global Baby:
- Mutsy Icon (newer version of the i2)
- Mutsy Nexo
- Raincover- Icon or Nexo
- Capsule adapters- Icon or Nexo
- Foot Muff- Icon or Nexo
- Maxi Cosi Cabriofix Capsule
- Maxi Cosi Base
- Britax Boulevard Clicktight
Watch the video for full details, or see my pros and cons of each below.

Mutsy i2 Pros:
- folds down small and square
- sturdy but not too heavy
- handles multiple terrains
- able to parent face and world face seat
- various capsules click in with adapters
- nice range of accessories available (the foot muff is a must for sure)
- quick and easy to fold
- looks amazing
- generous sun canopy
- easy to recline
- almost flat recline
- can use carrycot attachment
- easy to manoeuvre in small spaces
- handle bar extends for tall people
Mutsy i2 Cons:
- only able to seat one child
- sun canopy attaches to seat rather than frame so protection is limited when seat is fully reclined
- not designed to be an off road stroller
- smaller basket

Mutsy Nexo Pros:
- super compact
- lightweight
- easy to recline
- easy to fold
- lays flat
- use from newborn
- can fit infant capsule with adapters
- generous sun canopy
- good range of accessories
Mutsy Nexo Cons:
- unable to use carrycot
- can’t parent face
- doesn’t handle rough terrain